Posted on Oct 27, 2022

Brandie acknowledges being so heavily into drugs and alcohol that, “I couldn’t get out of bed without knowing I had a drink waiting for me.” Her addiction led to multiple arrests and she found herself spiraling. Then,
Brandie followed the advice she now gives others, “You have to ask for help.”

“Heartland brought truth to my life, and they knew how to talk me through things,” notes Brandie. “There are people here who have been through the same things.”

And while a 12-month recovery program may seem like a long commitment, we’ve discovered that making lasting changes and recovering from addiction and life-altering issues takes time.

Don’t wait another day. Take the first step to a life of freedom by asking for help.

Contact Information:
Heartland Women’s Recovery Program
304 New Creation Road
Bethel, MO 63434
Admissions phone 660-213-4553
eFax 816-817-1305

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