Heartland Recovery Programs seek to introduce the concepts of Christian living and personal responsibility, helping men and women who are bound with life-controlling addictions, attitudes, and behavioral problems. Ultimately, our desire for all who come to Heartland is a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Men who enroll in the 12-month program find themselves in an environment far removed from the temptations of the world, combined with the disciplines of hard work and a focus on Jesus Christ. The primary criteria for participating in the program is a willingness and desire to change.

The Heartland Men’s Recovery Center houses men of all ages and from all over the United States. To be admitted a candidate must first contact our admissions office and follow admission guidelines to assure a successful entry. The program is intensive, and for those who complete, it is a life changing experience.

The Men’s Center campus is located at 500 New Creation Road, near Newark, Missouri. The dorm-style living arrangements consist of rooms with two to three occupants, community bath and dining hall, a chapel and outdoor recreation.

Our desire for all who come to Heartland is a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want to see people develop lifelong wholeness and Christ-esteem. Men in the Recovery program participate in daily devotions, chapel, and all weekly Heartland Church services. 

Download the Enrollment Application for Heartland Men’s Recovery Program 

Fill out the Enrollment Application for Heartland Men’s Recovery Program online

Learn More

Website: www.hlandrecovery.org

Phone: (573) 633-5605

eFax: 1-816-817-1802


In the Heartland Women’s Recovery Program, ladies live in a home-like environment while focusing completely on their relationship with Jesus Christ. At the same time, they are trained in areas such as vocation, work ethic, child-rearing, and financial stewardship.

Heartland introduces the concepts of Christian living and personal responsibility. The Christian life is not abstract theology unconnected with life, but has practical implications, which will affect how we choose to behave each day. It is not enough merely to know the gospel, we must let it transform our lives and let God impact every aspect of our lives.

Ladies in the Women’s Home have a daily devotional time together and attend all weekly Heartland Academy Community Church services.

The women work at various jobs in the ministry and are paid an hourly wage. They also participate in preparation of meals and daily chores to maintain and clean their home.

The desired outcome for all who come to Heartland is a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, developing lifelong wholeness and Christ-esteem. We provide a setting for women who want to permanently change their life through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

Download the Enrollment Process for Heartland Women’s Recovery Program

Fill out the Enrollment Application for Heartland Women’s Recovery Program online

Learn More

Website: www.hlandrecovery.org

Phone: (573) 633-5607