Mission House Sidewalk Sale
We’ll be set up outside every Saturday in June from 10am to 2pm. Plus, if you’d like to be a blessing to families using the local food pantry, bring along any extra hygiene items to donate. If you’d rather donate $ toward items we’re buying for that need, you can do that at the register or online.
Friday Night Prayer
Heartland Christian College faculty and staff will lead tonight’s livestream prayer meeting as we pray for the College graduates. Join us at 6:30pm here on Facebook, our YouTube channel (HlandTV) or the church website at www.hlandchurch.org.
Friday Night Prayer
- Our website: http://live.hland.tv/
- YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HlandTV
- Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/hland.tv/
Easter Week Schedule
- Our website: http://live.hland.tv/
- YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HlandTV
- Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/hland.tv/
We’re looking forward to a special Easter Sunrise Drive-In Service this year on Sunday, 6:30am at the Ozark Lodge. (Rain or shine!)
They say “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” How true that must have been on that first Easter morning as the disciples were in shock from the events of the week. Join us as we welcome the day as a church family with worship and a short word from Pastor Kris and are reminded “Christ is risen!”
DETAILS: Let’s keep this a safe way to “go to” something, taking the current situation seriously. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when attending:
- Parking attendants will point you in the right direction when you arrive at the Ozark Lodge.
- After parking, tune in to the radio station (to be announced) at the event and enjoy the service!
- Please stay in your vehicle at all times, with windows rolled up.
Easter can’t be cancelled, but it will look different this year. Join us for an online service at 10:00am with worship and a message from Pastor Kris. Connect easily using one of these ways:
- Our website: http://live.hland.tv/
- YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HlandTV
- Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/hland.tv/
What will dressing in your Easter best look like this year? For those of you joining us via Facebook, we’d love to see your “living room selfies” in the comments Sunday morning. ?
Communion will be the highlight of our online church service the week AFTER Easter. Whether you have juice and bread or simply water and saltines, gather your household together for an online church service of worship, a message from our pastor, and taking communion.
Change in Hours and Services
After much prayer, discussion, and consultation with friends in the medical field, we have made the decision to take additional measures as a community for the sake of public health. Whether you call it “flattening the curve” or just being proactive, we feel the following measures are warranted. And while there has not yet been a diagnosis of coronavirus in the northeast Missouri region to our knowledge, we hope these measures will continue to help slow the spread and chance of contagion of all viruses.
Heartland departmental and staffing changes taking effect Wednesday, March 18th:
The following SHI Departments to be closed until at least March 31st:
– Solid Rock Cafe
– Ozark Lodge
– Heartland Auto Shop
– Row Crop
– Construction and HPE – Emergencies Only
– Scribbles and Scribes
– Internal Support Departments – except for minimum necessary
Departments to remain open:
– C-Store 8:00am to 6:00pm (thru March 31st)
The following will be closed or cancelled until at least March 31st:
– Heartland Gym
– Mission House Thrift Store
– Power Barn
– Heartland Christian Academy & Samuel Center
– Heartland Christian College (building will be closed but staff and students will continue online classes only)
– Heartland Community Church Services and Life Groups (click here for livestream services)