Walking Through Recovery – Sheena’s Story
“There is a way out! If I had a billboard, I’d put that on it!” exclaims Sheena, after successfully completing the Heartland Women’s Recovery Program. Wrong decisions in life led her down the path of drugs, to the point where she and her husband both overdosed. “We almost died. And we knew after that it was life or death… We needed to make a change.” A month later they arrived at Heartland.
After experiencing the love of God through the people in the Heartland Community, Sheena says, “We have both changed. We are new creations. I never really understood that until I was able to see it with my own eyes. There is a way out. But you’ve got to make the first step.”
Heartland offers recovery programs for men, women, and youth. For more information, contact us today.
Contact Information:
Heartland Women’s Recovery Program
304 New Creation Road
Bethel, MO 63434
Admissions phone 660-213-4553
eFax 816-817-1305
More information: hlandrecovery.org
Recovery Staff Highlights – James Helfer
James admits he was a career criminal, by worldly standards, before God set him free from that bondage. When a judge and prosecutor gave James the option to apply to the Heartland Men’s Recovery Program instead, he took that first step to a new way of living. Three months in he gave his life to Christ and experienced a dramatic change.
Today, James serves as a group leader at HMRP and believes “God called me to that position. Because of my past, He has been able to use me in areas that other people can’t reach.” Share his testimony with someone you know needs to hear it!
Contact us today for more information or an application:
Heartland Men’s Recovery Program
500 New Creation Road Newark, MO 63458
Holiday Hours 2022
New Creation Country Store and Mission House Thrift Store are open daily from 7am to 8pm, but have the following modified holiday hours coming up:
- Friday, December 16 – closing at 3pm
- Saturday, December 24 – open 7am-2pm
- Sunday, December 25 – closed
- Monday, December 26 – closed
- Sunday, January 1 – closed
- Monday, January 2 – closed
Walking Through Recovery – Matt’s Story
“There’s a difference between struggling with addiction and being done with addiction,” declares Matt. “That’s the point I had to come to.” Matt and his wife, Sheena, came into the Heartland Recovery programs together and have experienced God’s salvation, deliverance, and healing in so many areas of their lives.
As Matt joined us in the studio just before his graduation, he expressed gratitude for the discipleship he received from his Group Leader and others in the Community as he learns to walk out this new life as a Believer in Jesus.
If you are “done” with addiction and ready for change, take that next step and contact our Admissions office. We want to see more men and women experience the freedom that only Christ can bring!
Contact Information:
Heartland Men’s Recovery Program
500 New Creation Road Newark, MO 63458
(660) 213-4553 (Admissions Phone)
1-816-817-1802 (eFax)
More information: https://hlandrecovery.org/
HCA Band Concert
Let’s continue celebrating the season with Heartland Christian Academy’s 5th Grade through Advanced Band members! Please join us in the Church Sanctuary on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 7:00pm as students perform music across different genres like Good King Wenceslas, March with some Magi and some great Jazz selections like Mary Did You Know featuring our senior on tenor sax, Jude Nickerson. Of course, don’t forget Mrs. Bock’s annual Sleigh Ride fun!
Heartland Community Church is located at 6434 Shelby Co. Rd. 150, Bethel, MO 63434.