Posted on Feb 21, 2025

Join us in the Heartland Community on July 6, 2025, as we host the ministry’s 30th anniversary celebration.

The vision for building a city of refuge started with businessman and founder Charles Sharpe. As he drove across his Missouri farmland one day, he thought, “This would be a good place for kids.” Charlie was thinking of a summer camp, but the vision has grown into a Christian community built around a local church—people working side by side throughout the years to provide a place of hope and healing for the hurting.

3-4pm… Anniversary Program & Recovery Graduation in the Church Sanctuary
4:30-7pm… Family-Friendly Outdoor Games, Activities, and Fellowship followed by a BBQ
7:30pm… Stephen McWhirter Concert in the Church Sanctuary
Dusk… Cupcakes and Fireworks on the Lawn

Please join us in celebrating God’s goodness as we continue to pursue our vision to be a Jesus-centered, sustainable, intentional community of hope for the hurting built around a vibrant local church, cultivating individual, family, community, and global transformation through the power of the Gospel.

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We’re really excited to welcome Stephen McWhirter to Heartland’s 30th Anniversary Celebration on July 6th. He has a heart for worshiping Jesus and leading others to Him, and knows what it is to experience victory over addiction.

“From addiction to redemption, from meth addict to worship leader, Stephen’s powerful testimony is one of radical restoration after having encountered the Presence of God, and giving his life to Jesus. Today, he is a touring worship leader, songwriter, recording artist, speaker, and formally one of the primary songwriters and voices for Iron Bell Music.”

Make plans to join us for this special night of worship!