Jesus came to set the captives free, and we know that the church is called to be His hands and feet to help do just that. When the church puts faith into action to embrace those with substance abuse disorders and those coming out of incarceration, it makes a significant impact. Join Heartland Recovery, for this 1-day informational seminar on September 20,...
Read MoreWalking Through Recovery | Scott’s Story
A year ago, Scott visited his family at Christmas for what he thought would be the last time, feeling hopeless and planning to immediately leave to get more drugs. Scott had been caught in a vicious cycle of addiction, prison, treatment, and relapse. Before he could leave that Christmas his family staged an intervention. This was a turning point for him,...
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Heartland Children & Youth Homes seeks Christian, husband and wife couples as House Parents who are responsible for caring and raising children and youth through a loving, nurturing household in a full-time capacity. House Parents are expected to shepherd youth through the many complexities of childhood and adolescence from a biblical worldview. House...
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