Join us, and invite your friends and family…
I consider our annual Christmas Eve service to be a highlight of my Christmas season. And although our gathering this year will be online only, it is providing us with some unique opportunities to have many of you join us in creating a wonderful service not only for our local church family, but our friends around the world.
- The worship team is preparing music and the final Advent reading.
- I’ll be reading the Christmas story from the Bible.
- We’ll share the video Christmas greetings you have submitted.
- …and we’ve bought candles for everyone who would like to enjoy a candlelight service from home. (Those can be picked up at Church on Sunday morning, or at the Admin Building Dec. 21st thru 24th.)
God came in the flesh. God came to bring salvation to lost humans. And He is still working on us to bring us into a relationship with Him.This Christmas Eve, join us as we celebrate “together” online starting at 6:00pm. Invite family and friends to watch along—it’s a great time when hearts are often softened to the message of the Gospel. Our virtual service will be available on the usual channels:
- Church Website: http://live.hland.tv/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HlandTV
- Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/hland.tv/
May you be greatly blessed this Christmas.
Pastor Kris