Posted on Feb 8, 2024

Starting at the age of 12, Brianna smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol which later lead to methamphetamine and harder drugs. From that point things quickly started getting out of hand. She shared, “My mother and grandmother could not trust me, they were worried sick about me when I wasn’t with them, and then the times that I was with them, they just couldn’t trust me.”

Brianna reached a turning point when she found herself committing crimes. She arrived at Heartland Recovery which began a transformative time for her in understanding self-forgiveness and the importance of communication, though she was initially unable to converse due to paranoia.

Now, Brianna places her trust in God, and has committed her life to serving Him. She encourages those struggling with addiction, “There is no sin, no flaw that is too big or too small for God to forgive you. You can be forgiven and salvation is 100% all the time available to you.” Reach out to Heartland Recovery today for help!

Contact Information:
Heartland Women’s Recovery Program
304 New Creation Road
Bethel, MO 63434
Admissions phone 573-633-5606
eFax 816-817-1305

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